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Thursday, September 27, 2012

We all need TShirts

Don't make me spray you!
Boxed In


Cute but Combustible

Funk You
These shirts were to fun to make ads for! Normally I hate hate hate making ads, but I tried something a little different with this release and I had so much fun. I hope you like the ads as much as I do.
Since the weather is getting a bit cooler, I thought it was the perfect time to put out these 3/4 sleeve tshirts.  Each set includes black, silver and white vesions in 2 different styles. The shirt layer shows a bit more skin then the longer jacket layer. So whether you're feeling modest or a bit more edgy, each pack should have what you're looking for.

Teleport to Greymoon

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Simple Mesh Dress

I'm really loving the introduction of Mesh into my daily SL life. With that in mind I had to make some casual dresses to add to my store repetoire. This release includes 4 different textured dresses. Each includes the 5 standardized sizes as well as the alpha layer. You can try on a demo at my main store. Only 150L each so come on over and grab some for your virtual closets.

Peacock Flare- Colored

Peacock Flare

Silver Shimmer

50 shades of greymoon

Teleport To Greymoon

Monday, September 24, 2012

My Yoga Sets

Yoga is something that I love to do in Second life. Of course I needed the perfect outfit and so I created my yoga sets. 4 different combinations should give us ladies a bit of variety and will offer the greatest comfort while we find our "zen" moments. Each outfit comes with Yoga pants and sports bra on multiple layers. Only 125L at my main store.

Friday, September 21, 2012

The creation of a logo

When I decided to create "Greymoon" I wanted a logo that would be unique and that would embody my vision.
In my mind I saw a girl who was idiosyncratic with a touch of whimsy. I also wanted her to have a connection to the moon.
I went to my awesome friend, Mahala, who is a real life artist. She whipped me up the most perfectly perfect character and Greymoon was born.

Thank you Mahala <3